Advancing SDGs through Sustainable and Just Economic Transformation

This public debate of the Sustainable Development Observatory (SDO) will focus on the pivotal role of sustainable and just economies in driving the implementation of SDGs. The topic is the first of six key areas for transformation identified in the SDO work programme 2023-2025. This transformation focuses on building strong economic systems that are profitable as well as environmentally sustainable and socially equitable, while ensuring sound financial practices and responsible fiscal policies. Its two panels will look at how businesses and civil society organisations can promote adoption of sustainable practices in a world that is severely marked by the climate and biodiversity crises as well as shaken by the current geopolitical situation. Despite the multifold risks that prevail, the meeting will explore ways how to address economic and social inequalities, while putting sustainable business practices, decent work and the just transition at the forefront of its reflections. This area ties in closely with the EESC's Ad Hoc Group on the European Semester.

This event is part of a series "Towards Sustainable Horizons: Navigating the Path to SDG Achievement". The series aims to contribute to the ongoing constructive dialogues in the context of the upcoming European elections, urging the incoming EU Commission and Members of the European Parliament to adopt a comprehensive strategy on the SDGs to enable a climate-neutral Europe and other essential transformations for sustainable and just development.

The event will be web-streamed (in the original language of the speakers and in English, French and German). Follow the discussions! No registration required.

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